I can't even believe my little baby Jack is 3! Seriously where does time go? Here are some pictures from his birthday. We had some family over for pirate cake and to play. Love you Jack! Now, stop growing up! I want you to stay 3 forever.

Showing uncle Derek his Spider man mask.

Derek wearing the present he got for Jack. (He used to have the same exact thing when he was little. It doesn't quite fit now).

The adorable pirate cake my mom made for Jack. It was really delicious too.

When we sang Happy Birthday to Jack he got a little shy, but he loved it, and he was a champ at blowing out his 3 candles.

Jack, and his bestie Elle. They've been together since birth and are more like brother and sister, which I love. Now that we live in Texas, I don't know what Jack is going to do without her.

And last but not least, Jack and Derek hanging out in the kitchen and Derek letting Jack do things that we don't let him do...like sit on the counter and lick frosting off the uneaten cake with his fingers. That's why uncles are the best right?