Our neighborhood had an Easter Egg Hunt the weekend before Easter, and it was so much fun! This was really the first year that Jack knew what was going on and was excited about it. Before the egg hunt started, all the kiddos waited across the street from the park, until someone said it was okay for us to go. As soon as the kids were allowed to go, Jack shot across the street in the front of the pack with is fist in the air, yelling ,"woohoo!" We got him an Easter bucket, instead of a basket, it's half the size of him, but I like it. He'll be able to use it again right? For other purposes besides holding decorated eggs. He knew exactly what to do when we got to the park. Straight away he went about collecting his 10 eggs. The only problem was, he didn't get that you are supposed to look at what's inside AFTER you collect all of them. Every time he found an egg, he wanted to open it and eat what was inside. It was such a fun day! And so fun to see all the neighborhood kids out and about, and the older ones helping with the younger ones. SO CUTE! I love where I live. Fun friends, and good neighbors.