Oh my goodness, did we have fun in California last month!!! We got to see lots of friends, and do lots of stuff, and not pictured but still thoroughly enjoyed, was LOTS of Mexican food. Oh, yeah, and Disneyland! It was Jack's first time at Disneyland, and he had so much fun. His favorite rides were Pirates of Caribbean, and the roller coaster in Toon Town.
It's so weird to go home to where I grew up and not stay with my parents, but it still felt like home because we got to stay with some awesome people. First we stayed with my friend Val. She has a gorgeous house in San Clemente with a backyard that Jack actually thinks is a park. Jack LOVES her kids that are still at home. Walker, 15, Jack, 13, and Vienna who is 9. Here are some pictures of Jack and jack playing in yard.

Hi Val! I love this picture of you because it's one of your classic Val faces:) Also, I think you were maybe slightly annoyed that I was taking this picture? Even if you were I still love this picture.

More of the kids...Vienna, then Jack

My Jack wanted to do everything the other Jack was doing. Can't you just see his wheels turning trying to figure out how he was going to do that?

Well, since big Jack jumped off the wall, then so can little Jack. See him trying to get to the top of that wall to do the same thing. Don't worry, I didn't let him jump, or get past that pot actually, cause it tipped over when he stepped on it.

We also got to see my friend and her daughter that I have known since I was 5. She has a little girl that's close to Jack age, Madelyn. She also has a really cool play house in the back yard that Jack LOVED! It was decked out with all the stuff on the inside, a kitchen table, a couch, a stove, a microwave, pretend food, and windows that opened.

I think this is Jack's..."mom stop taking pictures of me please" face.

Then when we said goodbye, Jack was all about the hug. It was so cute. I love the second one cause you can tell Jack is gritting his teeth a little bit because he is hugging Madelyn so hard, and Madelyn kind of doesn't know what to do.

Then, the beach. Ahhhh the beach. It was heaven. So warm, and lovely and uncrowded. We went with my cousin Beth and her family.

Here's Gracie and Paige playing the freezing water.

And Claire. I love little Claire, and her blue eyes are my favorite.

Then it was time to go home, and Jack really didn't want to. He would live at the beach forever.